Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

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In hypnotherapy, clients are helped to become deeply relaxed, allowing them to be more receptive to suggestions designed to enhance their wellbeing and quality of life.

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Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on treating ‘like with like’. A person displaying a particular set of symptoms is treated with a carefully chosen substance that if taken by a healthy person would create the same disease process. 

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Herbalism refers to the use of plants to treat a variety of medical conditions. The herbs are administered in many ways and are used both internally and topically.

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Electro-homeopathy is the only homeopathic medical system that draws all its remedies from plants, and it is used to treat a variety of illnesses and ailments. The principle of Electro-homeopathy is that the whole body is complex and interconnected.

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COlor therapy

Colour Therapy – History and Uses

Colour therapy is a system where coloured light is used to treat disease and disorder. Coloured light therapy, an emerging field with growing scientific support, offers fascinating insights into how different wavelengths of light can influence our physical and mental health.

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Bi-Aura Therapy

Bi-Aura Therapy

Bi-Aura Therapists believe that a person has a natural right to ‘feel good’ and be healthy. It is an energy-based therapy, which works to seek out and remove energy blockages from within the body and the body’s energy field (also referred to as the body’s aura).

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