The Complementary Medical Association

Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

Privacy Policy & GDPR Compliance Statement

Thank you for visiting the Complementary Medical Association’s web site and for reviewing our Privacy Policy

All data that The CMA has collated about our Members and about subscribers to our e-Newsletter and finally our course attendees has been gathered in a compliant manner – and has been since 1993. The CMA respects your information and we are dedicated to protecting it. The CMA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Our policy is as follows:

Complementary Medical Association (The CMA) Privacy  and GDPR Compliance Statement

The CMA is a non-profit Membership Association and our registered address is 1 Royal Terrace, Southend on Sea, Essex SS1 1EA.

You can contact The CMA regarding all matters relating to the business either by mail to the above address; by telephone on 0800 841 1066; or by email to [email protected].

The CMA will collect certain information about you during the course of its business. This information will be used for the following reasons:

Your contact information may be used to send you marketing material as part of The CMA’s legitimate interest in promoting its business. You may request that this ceases at any time; you can also ask that your information not be used in this way from the beginning. This information will be shared with our email marketing partners at who actually send out the emails which The CMA creates.

For those working in the complementary medical profession:

You can become a Member of The CMA in the following categories; Practitioner, College/Training School, Spa/Retreat, Fellow, Student.  These are professional categories and by joining The CMA in any of these, communications from us come under the ‘Business to Business’ category.  You – as the representative of your business – will have exactly the same rights to access the information we hold about individuals and can be assured that the GDPR rulings are applicable to you and your business, and we will carefully and responsibly look after your data – just as we would with an individual.

If you are a CMA Member, or if you choose to participate in any CMA courses, either as an individual or as a business, your email address may be used to send you an invoice via PayPal ( and may be used to accept payments from you or to issue refunds where needed. This information is kept to allow The CMA to meet its contractual obligations to you.

All information that you share with us will be stored in a secure computer-based system and used only in connection with the work of The CMA. It will never be shared with anyone else under any circumstances. This information is processed to enable The CMA to meet its legal obligations.

The CMA will keep different information for different periods of time, as follows:

Information The CMA keeps for marketing purposes will be kept until you ask for it to be removed. If you ask, it will be removed immediately the request is received.

Booking information (for courses etc.) will be kept a maximum of one month after your booking has passed. This is because The CMA has a monthly task to remove old bookings from the system.

Financial information is required by Law to be kept for seven years. This will include your contact information as invoiced.

The CMA does not, never has and never will share, sell or otherwise provide your information to any other company or entity, unless required to do so by law.

All of The CMA’s external partners have committed to operating in accordance with the new Data Protection Laws.

Your rights: Under the new Laws, you have certain rights, detailed below. You may use the contact details at Item 2 to request any of these rights in your own words.

The right to have your contact information removed.

You can request to remove only marketing information, only booking information, or both. If you request us to delete all of your contact information completely, then any bookings  or membership you have in the system will be cancelled as a result as we will not be able to service you account.

You have the right to be sent a copy of all the information The CMA holds about you within 30 days. The CMA will honour this request as quickly as possible; if it can’t be managed within 30 days The CMA will let you know. There will not be any charge for this.

You have the right to have your information corrected; if any information The CMA holds about you is wrong then please notify The CMA and we will amend it to be accurate.

From the outset, you have the right to object to the storing and processing of your information and you can request to have it removed at any time.  Note: if you are a CMA Member, and you wish us to remove all data about you, you will no longer receive e-Newsletters and updates from The CMA – these are a key Membership benefit.

You have the right to complain about the holding of your information. If The CMA cannot resolve your complaint, or you feel that the response is inadequate, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at or to take your complaint to the Courts. If you choose this latter approach The CMA would advise you to seek qualified legal advice.

The CMA will treat your information with the utmost respect and will keep you informed at every stage of the relationship with you. If you have any concerns at all, please use the contact information listed above to get in touch and we will happily clarify anything that is at all unclear.


CMA does not disclose, give, sell or transfer any personal information about our site visitors, unless required for law enforcement or statute.

Any questions about CMA’s Privacy Policy should be sent to [email protected] or call us on 0800 841 1066 or write to us at The CMA, Easthampstead Works, The Town Square, Bracknell Forest, RG12 1BH

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