The Complementary Medical Association

Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

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“The CMA is dedicated to bringing you the latest breaking news, research and more. We consistently strive to raise standards in complementary medicine by ensuring our articles are evidence-based and supported by robust research.

Nux Vomica Homeopathic Remedy

Nux Vomica – Homeopathic Remedy

Although Nux Vomica is highly poisonous (it contains strychnine), if used in minute doses as a Homeopathic Remedy, it can have a beneficial effect on the body, supporting the digestive system and improving urination.

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Rue Homeopathic Remedy

Rue – Homeopathic Remedy

Rue has been used medicinally for centuries. Homeopaths prescribe it as a Remedy for injuries to bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Also for eye strain and chesty coughs.

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Lachesis Homeopathic Remedy

Lachesis  – Homeopathic Remedy

Sourced from the poisonous venom of the bushmaster snake of the viper family, Lachesis is prescribed as a Homeopathic Remedy for blood poisoning, blood circulatory disorders, and serious infectious diseases.

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Bryonia Homeopathic Remedy

Bryonia – Homeopathic Remedy

The healing power of Bryonia has been recorded as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman periods. It is prescribed as a Homeopathic Remedy to treat arthritis and rheumatism, chest problems, digestive problems, and breast-feeding inflammation.

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