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The Complementary Medical Association

Colocynth – Homeopathic Remedy

Colocynth Homeopathic Remedy
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Colocynth – Homeopathic Remedy

Colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis)

More commonly known as bitter cucumber or bitter apple, this poisonous fruit was, according to tradition, miraculously made edible by the Old Testament prophet Elisha, during the great famine in Gilgal.

Colocynth contains a substance called colocynthin, a poison that strongly irritates the digestive system, leading to violent cramping pains, bleeding and inflammation.

Other names: Bitter cucumber, bitter apple, wild gourd, Abu Jahl’s melon.

Description and places it grows in

Yellow flowers and yellowy-orange smooth fruits, similar in size to a large apple and containing a whitish pulp and many seeds. Native to Turkey but found in many parts of Asia and Africa.

Parts used

Dried fruits, once the seeds have been removed.


Homeopaths may prescribe this remedy for: 

Colic, including colic in young babies, displaying the following symptoms: Sickness, diarrhoea.

Neuralgia (especially of the face) displaying the following symptoms: Sciatica; ovarian or kidney pain due to nerves; rheumatism; headache. 

People requiring this remedy will feel worse: When angry or irritated; in cold, damp weather; eating and drinking.

People requiring this remedy will feel better: When warm; with pressure applied on the painful area; drinking coffee; when burping.

People suitable for this remedy are usually quiet, non-confrontational characters, who nevertheless have strong opinions about what is right and wrong, and they can become quite agitated if these are rebuked.

The information given on this site about homeopathic remedies is just a general overview. Classical homeopathy takes all the patient’s symptoms into account and prescribes upon the “Totality of Symptoms”, thus finding the precise remedy that matches the patient’s symptoms perfectly. 

Here, at The CMA we recommend that anyone interested in learning more about homeopathy and the fascinating remedies that homeopaths use should take an introduction course to homeopathy, which will help you to understand how to become a good home first-aid prescriber. This is ideal for ‘acute symptoms’. However, if you want to learn more – with a view even to becoming a professional homeopath, who is educated highly enough to be able to treat chronic conditions, you’ll need to be prepared to spend many years learning this vast and fascinating topic – along with anatomy, physiology and pathology, history of medicine, homeopathic philosophy, and much more. You’ll find both kinds of courses here on this site – head to our section on Find a CMA Member and search under CMA Registered Training Schools.

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