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Nux Vomica – Homeopathic Remedy

Nux Vomica Homeopathic Remedy
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Nux Vomica – Homeopathic Remedy

Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica)

Got the hangover blues? Try nux vomica – for discerning folk everywhere!

As often is the case, plants that are highly poisonous also have powerful healing properties if prepared in the correct manner. This certainly applies to the Strychnos nux vomica tree, the seeds, bark, and leaves of which contain strychnine, a highly poisonous substance that can seriously damage the nervous system. However, if used in minute doses, strychnine actually has a beneficial effect on the body, supporting the digestive system and improving urination amongst other things. Likewise, the homeopathic remedy, nux vomica, is made from the strychnine-containing seeds of the tree.

Other names: Poison nut, Quaker buttons. 

Description and places it grows in

A small, evergreen tree, native to India, but also growing in Burma, Thailand, China, and Australia. It produces tiny, greenish-white flowers and orange-coloured apple-sized fruit that contain the strychnine-filled seeds.

Parts used

Cleaned and dried seeds.


Homeopaths may prescribe this remedy for:

Digestive problems displaying the following symptoms: Cramping, colicky abdominal pains, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and constipation.

Overindulgence of rich food or alcohol (hangover) displaying the following symptoms: Indigestion, stomach upset.

Piles displaying the following symptoms: Painful contractions of the anus.

Repressed emotions (especially anger) displaying the following symptoms: All of the above symptoms can be due to repressed emotions.

Colds / flu displaying the following symptoms: Shivering, fever, chills, coughing, aching bones and muscles.

Headaches / migraines

Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) displaying the following symptoms: Heavy blood flow, possibly fainting.

Morning sickness

Labour pain

Urinary problems such as cystitis and frequency of urination.

People requiring this remedy will feel worse: In cold, windy, dry weather; in winter; between 3am and 4am; when exposed to too much sensory stimuli (i.e., loud music, bright lights), if mentally overworked.

People requiring this remedy will feel better: Exposed to moist air; with rest, hot drinks or milk.

People suitable for this remedy are often stressed-out high-flier types (think company director, manager, or scientist). They are prone to digestive upsets and angry outbursts (following long term repression of their emotions). Fear of failure at work makes them more determined to succeed in their chosen career.  

The information given on this site about homeopathic remedies is just a general overview. Classical homeopathy takes all the patient’s symptoms into account and prescribes upon the “Totality of Symptoms”, thus finding the precise remedy that matches the patient’s symptoms perfectly. 

Here, at The CMA we recommend that anyone interested in learning more about homeopathy and the fascinating remedies that homeopaths use should take an introduction course to homeopathy, which will help you to understand how to become a good home first-aid prescriber. This is ideal for ‘acute symptoms’. However, if you want to learn more – with a view even to becoming a professional homeopath, who is educated highly enough to be able to treat chronic conditions, you’ll need to be prepared to spend many years learning this vast and fascinating topic – along with anatomy, physiology and pathology, history of medicine, homeopathic philosophy, and much more. You’ll find both kinds of courses here on this site – head to our section on Find a CMA Member and search under CMA Registered Training Schools.

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