Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

Anneliese Cheadle


Breathwork, Meditation and Reflexology


2 Reviews on “Anneliese Cheadle”

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  • Helen Stoves

    Anneliese’s Friday classes are the perfect transition to the weekend! The combination of Qi Gong, a meditation and the relaxation to end offer both something new each week (changing focus of the meditation) with the familiar (going to your “happy place” in the relaxation). Even when my mind is racing beforehand, I move away from the busy vibe of my working week to be calmer and ready to make the most of the weekend break ahead. Thanks Anneliese!

  • Jo Webb

    Anneliese is a natural teacher who never assumes she knows more than others (though she generally does in the case of meditation) and who makes meditation practice accessible to all in a warm, welcoming and safe environment. Highly recommended!! The perfect way to start a Sunday, or any day!

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