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The Complementary Medical Association

A New Dawn in Wellness: Why The CMA is Embracing the Four-Day Work Week

Four Day Work Week
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Why The CMA is Embracing the Four-Day Work Week

Have you ever wondered why The CMA isn’t open on Fridays?

In recent years, the corporate sector has been abuzz with a transformative idea that promises to reshape our work lives – the four-day work week. At The Complementary Medical Association, we are excited to share that we have embraced this innovative approach, rooted deeply in enhancing the well-being and productivity of the entire CMA Team. We know, based upon the research that by enhancing our Team in this way – we will be able to serve our Members better!

In this article, we want to let you know why we are not available on Fridays – and why our Team enjoys a three-day weekend!

We also want to let you know why and how we adopted this revolutionary change, as we aim to inspire others in the natural health community and beyond.

Cultivating a Balance: The Journey to a Four-Day Work Week

In the pursuit of fostering a healthier work-life balance and enhancing productivity, numerous organisations are now considering the transition to a four-day work week. According to Andrew Barnes, the co-founder of the New Zealand non-profit, 4 Day Week Global, this shift has proven to significantly augment both personal satisfaction and organisational success.

In a pilot programme orchestrated by Barnes’ non-profit, involving 91 organisations across various countries including the UK, the results were nothing short of astounding. The participating companies witnessed a staggering 35% rise in revenues, reduced absenteeism, and a surge in employee contentment levels. Moreover, the ripple effect of this change extended into the personal lives of employees, including increased time spent on childcare and an uplift in overall life satisfaction.

Mapping the Transition: The 100-80-100 Rule

Central to the success of this programme is the guiding principle termed by Barnes as the 100-80-100 rule. This concept involves maintaining full (100%) remuneration, whilst reducing work hours to 80% of the usual, without compromising on 100% productivity.

In essence, it is not about trying to get our Team Members to cram a standard work week into four days, but about optimising our operations to allow for a genuine reduction in working hours, fostering an environment where both Team Member well-being and organisational efficiency can flourish.

Harnessing Employee Creativity: A Collaborative Approach

A pivotal part of this transformation lies in cultivating a sense of ownership and creativity among CMA Team Members. Rather than imposing top-down mandates, The CMA actively encourages our Team Members to craft a bespoke approach to the four-day work week. This collaborative process not only helps in identifying small yet significant roadblocks to productivity but also fosters a culture of trust and mutual respect.

How we have built a Trust-Based Work Culture

Transitioning to a four-day work week requires fostering a culture of trust and assurance among Team Members, reassuring them that their salaries and benefits will remain unaffected. This proactive approach helps in alleviating any potential apprehensions, encouraging Team Members to wholeheartedly embrace the change, recognising it as a mutually beneficial progression.

Barnes accentuates that the true essence of this transition lies in its ability to benefit all layers of an organisation. From the leadership needing time to rejuvenate and strategise, to Team Members finding a better work-life harmony, the advantages are manifold and deeply impactful.

The Way Forward: A Collaborative and Flexible Approach

We want to support other organisations to adopt this humane and ultimately better way of working!  As organisations venture into this new frontier, it’s vital to avoid a rigid, prescriptive approach. The key to success lies in identifying and eliminating barriers to productivity on an individual and team level, thus making reduced work hours a viable option. It is important to be flexible – we did a lot of soul-searching and analysis in order to be able to get to a viable solution. A one-size-fits-all methodology is not the answer; instead, fostering a collaborative culture where idea sharing, and team cohesion are prioritised proves to be far more effective.

Furthermore, maintaining detailed records of the transition process and its outcomes serves as a valuable tool for continuous improvement and benchmarking success. This analytical approach aids in crafting a well-rounded strategy that benefits not just the Team Members and the organisation but extends to our valued Members as well.

Embracing Change for a Healthier Future

At The Complementary Medical Association, our commitment to fostering health and well-being extends beyond our external initiatives into the heart of our organisational culture. Adopting the four-day work week stands as a testament to this commitment, reflecting our belief in the harmonious balance between work and personal life.

As we venture into this promising new phase, we invite our Members and the wider community to join us in this journey towards fostering a healthier, happier, and more productive work environment, paving the way for a brighter, more balanced future in the natural health sector.

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