Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

Register Your Evergreen Course For CMA CPD

To ensure each CPD course meets CMA standards, providers must submit a separate application for approval for each individual course. This process allows us to review the specific content, objectives, and structure of each course to ensure it aligns with the high standards expected by The CMA and meets the professional development needs of our Members.

Event/Course Name
Enter The Course/Event Name
Event/Course Host school name
Enter The Course/Event Host School Name
Event/Course Description
Enter The Course/Event Short Description, Please Note 100 Character Limit.
Contact Details
Enter The Contact Email For The Event/Course
Your Contact Email
Enter Your Personal Contact Email
Course/Event Price Information
Enter The Price With The £ Symbol
I agree to use The CMA CPD logo only for the courses that I have had accepted for CMA CPD. 
Please confirm you agree.
I understand that I may not use the logo elsewhere or for any course that has not been officially accepted for CMA CPD.
Please confirm you understand.
I agree to apply for CMA CPD listing each time my course runs throughout the year.
Please confirm you agree.
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