Beech – Bach Flower Remedy

Beech Bach Flower
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Beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Beech was described by Dr Bach as the remedy for people who ‘feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them’.

People in a Beech state are intolerant of difference. They lack compassion and understanding of the circumstances and paths that other people are given, and fail to see that they too are working towards perfection in their own ways.

Sometimes Beech intolerance is manifested as outbursts of irritability: The remedy helps to encourage tolerance and understanding, and as this happens, so the irritability also fades.

Dr Bach’s description (from The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies)

For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection.


Take 30 ml of cider vinegar and add 2 drops of Bach Flower Remedy to the vinegar and shake well. This solution is now the remedy you should use. To take the remedy do not place the drops onto the tongue as is the usual way of taking remedies, instead, add 4 drops to a glass of mineral water or fruit juice from the refrigerator and take the Remedy that way. If these instructions are followed the remedy will be 0.16%.

Information and pictures supplied by the Dr Edward Bach Centre – and used with kind permission. Please support this wonderful organisation by visiting their site and taking a look at all they offer.

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